Saturday, November 27, 2010

paddle pop sticks, weetbix & macaroni - building materials of the future

Was just reading a very funny blog about school christmas crafts and gold glitter macaroni, which reminded me that I have numerous christmas decorations made of paddle pop sticks, cellophane and of course....
gold painted macaroni.......

So what everyone says... but some of mine are well over 20 years old!!!! 

The paddle pop sticks are very well preserved, not a termite or splinter in sight.......... the cellophane is a bit crinkly but still intact........ and the gold macaroni is pristine!!!!!

What happens when we ingest it?????

I can picture an archeological dig in 1000 years time......"oh yes and the people of this region ate a strange shaped gold wheat product' it has been found in abundance...... bit like the honey found in the pharoah's tombs.... still good enough to eat all this time later......
Which brings me to weet bix, ever had to try and scrape or soften weet bix from a bowl after it has been left on the sink for a few hours??????? 

I must admit when contemplating a minor building project and I found I was out of builders blog it did cross my mind, anyway it worked brilliantly and is still holding something up about 15 years later........

Next house I build I know what I am using... forget the mud bricks.... straw or more conventional building materials,

.....mine is going to be the paddlepop stick and weet bix house......

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dropping Out and a Tale of Two Designer Pigs

I am thinking of dropping out of the rat race... having a tree change , giving up my well paid job and going feral.  I have done this once before, back when the term 'tree changers' wasn't even thought of..... 

It wasn't a big sucess mainly because I picked a location that was way too far from loved ones...  loved ones, who the moment the last piece of furniture was placed in the van from the ancestral home in the fringes..  decided to procreate...  I was a regular traveller on the north coast to sydney to southern highlands train... with my own toddler afterthought in tow. 

If you have ever been on a train for 10 hours with a three year old you will understand why I decided to leave paradise and move back to the fringes... One word of advice DO NOT EAT THE FOOD ON THE TRAIN..... but that is another story....

Anyway, my acres were paradise for a number of domesticated and non domesticated animals. ...  The designer pigs were used to being fed at 4pm not a moment before and certainly not a mo after, if I was even 1 minute late they would try to break out of their designer pig pen.... made by me from ecologically sustainable scraps found over the acres.....

Next scenario.... welcome to the district BBQ put on by neighbours about 20 acres next door.... treck down hill and up dale dodging my other undomesticated animals, snakes, goannas and big flowing... BBQ sizzling..... have to go its ten to four.....  with the promise of a lift soon, stayed longer... more wine (yum) and longer.....

Until .......SCREAMS people dashing left right and centre, the man of the house running to get his shottie.... feral pigs quick get in the house.....

Here come the pigs, no not the police come for a bust,  but my designer ones [black ones, not the ordinary pink variety for me thank you very much]

....galloping.... running.... straight for me...  all thousands of pounds of them THEY HAD SNIFFED ME DOWN... THEY WANTED THEIR DINNER  ......  YOU ARE LATE........

Have you ever wondered how that stupid fast walking event that is on the olympics was ever invented.  I can tell you....  it was invented by someone with an empty  bucket leading 400lbs of home grown pork back over hill and dale back to their designer pen.  The faster I walked the faster they walked if I ran they ran too... DANGER.... DANGER.... WILL ROBINSON.....

It was a small town and no doubt is still being talked about.....  I think I was dubbed 'the pig lady' from that day forward... not choice joyce....

Anyway this time if I do drop out I am NOT GROWING PORK or goats but that is another story.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well here I am ready to do my first POST on a BLOG.....

 Looking through the titles of other posts trying to get inspiration to do something COOL reminded me of trying to think up a name for our first Farmer's Market Stall..

 I've seen 'Diary of a Mad Cow', 'Beauty amongst the Weeds', 'Farmer's Wifey'...  We were really original we called the stall by our surname....... Doesn't bode well for the blog.....

Posted my first comment on some poor bloke who was embarrassed to go to the supermarket to get monthly feminine hygene products, but did it and felt so proud.....

WAIT MATEY I said.... until she sends you for the INCONTINENCE PADS..... because.... sooner or later it will happen...... put  your foot down now, whilst the going is good.

I intend to send HUBBY if the need arises but I will MAKE him get the MALE ones..... so what they can't be that uncomfortable worn backwards or what....  well, what do you think?

