Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well here I am ready to do my first POST on a BLOG.....

 Looking through the titles of other posts trying to get inspiration to do something COOL reminded me of trying to think up a name for our first Farmer's Market Stall..

 I've seen 'Diary of a Mad Cow', 'Beauty amongst the Weeds', 'Farmer's Wifey'...  We were really original we called the stall by our surname....... Doesn't bode well for the blog.....

Posted my first comment on some poor bloke who was embarrassed to go to the supermarket to get monthly feminine hygene products, but did it and felt so proud.....

WAIT MATEY I said.... until she sends you for the INCONTINENCE PADS..... because.... sooner or later it will happen...... put  your foot down now, whilst the going is good.

I intend to send HUBBY if the need arises but I will MAKE him get the MALE ones..... so what they can't be that uncomfortable worn backwards or what....  well, what do you think?

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